Hi there! I’m so happy you have found me!
If you want to explore your gifts and life experiences
so you can fully activate
the Meaning and Magic in your life,
I’d love to help you!
My Journey

I knew this was eventually going to happen, supposed to happen, nevertheless that feeling of “now what??!?” was everywhere I looked…
Being forced into an early retirement as my kids grew up and left home, I felt … useless! There I was, left to figure out what my next step in life was going to be.
While I had plenty of jobs and activities throughout my adult life, managing my family was my primary responsibility. With my kids all grown up, I now had time and energy to do something… But I felt lost as to what it is. It was rather humorous: I realized I had so much wisdom and life skills to share, yet I was not sure where to use them!
I was always the boss of my own life – raising kids and running our household my way. Thus typical “get a part-time job” felt like living on someone else’s schedule, and that did not appeal to me – it felt small and not as impactful. I wanted to live my Soul Passion, my Purpose, and ignite women’s lives!
I’ve always felt this inner nudge to do something larger, inspiring, transformational! I could hear my Soul saying “my dear, you have more to do while on Earth this time around.”
And so I embarked on a joyful, fulfilling, and at times painful, self-discovery process of what my Purpose might be. I gardened with a vengeance, meditated daily, blessed the Earth and the water in ceremonies, attended multitude of classes, volunteered at the food bank, played tennis and met many people… and yet there was still the underlying drive to not only discover more of ME, but to help other women discover more of THEM!

My “a-ha moment” occurred when I realized that I can open a coaching practice to guide women who are feeling the nudge to do something they cannot quite put their finger on – ignite them to activate the brilliance of their Soul and awaken their dormant passions so they can create a profound awareness of their inner magic.
This is how DISCOVER YOUR MAGIC program was born. It is specifically designed for a woman who feels the Soul nudge to live her dream yet not quite sure what that is, who craves to awaken her passion and desire for life, feel vibrant and “useful” by shining her Light for the world.
I would love to assist you in waking up to your own Power and Brilliance, so you can feel excited and joyful every day of your life here on Earth and serve humanity and the planet by raising your vibration.
I am excited to help you to discover Your Magic so you can
discover your Inner Light and activate the next step of your Soul evolution!
I can help you optimize your gifts and talents and live a meaningful life!
Schedule Your Consult today!